Ultra Liberals in Our Midst: Will They Be the Death of Us?

by | May 21, 2019 | Politics | 3 comments

When I was very young and living in Kingston, Ontario, there was a panic situation involving an insidious, infectious disease.  It was called polio and those affected became crippled and worse, died.  The disease primarily attacked young children.  I can remember being warned not to attend movie theatres or participate in events that attracted a crowd.  Swimming pools and even playgrounds were out of bounds.  Parents were scared to death.

And then, miraculously, a serum was discovered. When inoculated, individuals became immune to this hideous affliction.

I remember lining up, along with all my classmates, to receive a sugar cube that had been injected with the newly invented serum. I do not recall my parents, or for that matter me, being asked if we consented to the procedure.  We lined up and consumed the sugar cube.  There was no argument, no discussion, and no debate.  Some really smart man had discovered what amounted to a cure for a disease that scared the hell out of most people. Everyone—and I mean everyone, even the most liberal in our midst—lined up and, in effect, did what was necessary for the common good.  And lo and behold, we all survived, and none of us were inflicted with the polio virus.

Around the same time, I remember driving from Kitchener to London, Ontario with my dad. In a small city, the name of which I cannot remember but which was located between the two cities, there was a sanitarium dedicated to those suffering from tuberculosis.  The building that housed those afflicted with the disease had a big red logo on its top that could be seen for miles.  My dad explained what that facility was used for; for many, it was a place to go to die.  The building spooked me.

Not very long after that, another really smart guy found a vaccine that, over subsequent years, virtually eradicated tuberculosis from the planet.

There were other diseases my generation endured as youngsters but gradually, medical science developed vaccines to deal with numerous serious illnesses that caused massive discomfort or death to so many youngsters.

Children, and others, were inoculated with various serums, and the fear I remember experiencing while in Kingston completely dissipated.  My mom and dad were only too willing to have me inoculated against measles, mumps, typhoid fever and others.  There was no debate.  I do not recall people being opposed to these life-saving injections.  We complied with the common sense directive that these inoculations were in our and society’s best interests.

Fast forward 65 years.  Previously eradicated diseases are making a comeback.  Schools are closed due to measles outbreaks. Measles is a serious life-threatening condition that need not have raised its ugly head ever again.  But it did.  And why was this allowed to occur?  Well, some of the crazies in our midst decided that various vaccines caused their children to develop autism, allergies and other perceived maladies.  The fact that there was absolutely no medical evidence to support such a theory didn’t matter; these loons had it in their small, self-absorbed minds that the vaccines caused serious problems. As parents with “rights,” they had the “right” to prohibit their children from receiving a serum that would protect not only their child, but all other people with whom this uninoculated child came into contact.  The childhood disease scare has returned to the fore and has done so in spades thanks to people, who are, in reality, just too stupid to have children in the first case.  Unfortunately, procreation does not require one to pass a test, IQ or otherwise.

The politically correct hand-wringers who purport to be our governors do not have the will to do what is necessary and force these irresponsible parents to either have their child inoculated or face serious consequences.  However, that is not about to happen any time soon, as those in power simply do not have the guts to do what every thinking person knows should be done.

This laissez faire approach to virtually all things, primarily by the left-wing progressives in our midst, will make true the prediction I have given my children, virtually from the time they were able to understand the spoken word. My prediction is that policies developed by left-thinking people in our midst shall result in the slow, painful death of our civilization.  It is but a matter of time.


  1. Peter

    Clever mental image created by equating the “Liberals” to something that could kill us and therefore needs to be dealt with via a vaccination. If only it were that simple.

    • Roderick McLeod

      Hello Peter:
      Although I do not know for sure, my suspicion is that those persons objecting to having their urchins vaccinated are not conservatives.
      I couldn’t care less if these “parents” do damage to their own flock, but when their actions have the potential to harm others, it is time for the state to get involved and force these loons to do the right thing.

  2. John McCracken

    Vaccination should be mandatory, on that we agree, however without evidence you assert that the left is more in support of choice in vaccination than the right is. Anti-vaxxers are part of the general anti science movement, and that is clearly the realm of the right. That also applies to rejection of climate change science. We will be rendered extinct by climate change but not by measles. And which faction, left or right, supports coal mining and fossil fuel consumption ad infinitum? Furthermore, in the US at least, gun violence kills far more people than measles and all the other infectious diseases for which vaccine is available yet it is the right that urges unlimited access to assault weapons for everyone. Limo