Lucy Revisited

Lucy Revisited

My wee buddy, Lucy the dog, turned 14 years old in early July, 2019.  She had her cataract removal operation in April, and although the operation was not a total success and she endured a lengthy recuperation period, Dr. Brian Skorobohach and his group at VCA Canada...


I have decided to make some predictions concerning the upcoming federal election, the 2020 US elections, government regulation of corporations that abuse their authority, and global health.  They are as follows: October 2019 Federal Election in Canada and its...
Today’s Vocabulary

Today’s Vocabulary

I may be too harsh in what I am about to observe, but it is my observation in any event. I cannot help but notice predominantly young females using the words “you know” and “like” to the point that if you forced them to delete these words from their already limited...
Egos—Does Everyone Have One?

Egos—Does Everyone Have One?

The other day I was wandering around a shopping centre and I noticed people who did not seem to give a hoot about how they looked and dressed. Slovenly would be too kind a word to describe the appearance of many. A few days later, I had occasion to take a flight to...


I have all kinds of ideas for the subject matter of my blogs. Unfortunately, they are all pretty much negative; I point out things I find, at best annoying, and at worst really unfair and downright stupid. The latter usually involve the lame brains in our so-called...