Democracy at the Crossroads

by | Sep 23, 2024 | 2024 US Elections, Politics

I have not written a blog for some time, but political events in the United States have motivated me to say something.

For the past three-and-one-half years, the leadership of the United States government, and by extension, the Western World, has been rudderless.  It should have been obvious that President Biden was cognitively impaired and has been for at least the last four years. Unelected, shadowy and anonymous individuals were the ones pulling Biden’s strings. It has been suggested that those having influence over Biden, a sick, feeble man, were Susan Rice, Obama’s former National Security Advisor, Barak and Michelle Obama, and former Attorney General Eric Holder (with some Clinton influence thrown in). Kamala Harris was chosen by Biden to be his Vice-President, primarily because she was a woman and at least half Black.  Evan though her mother was East Indian, political expediency required her to proclaim that she was “Black.”  But what was also obvious to any objective observer, and by any objective measure, is that the woman is also inept.

Following the Biden/Trump debate where Donald Trump won by default and Biden’s dementia became obvious to even the most rabid supporters in the media, it was just a matter of time before the backroom Democratic power brokers brought out their knives and made Biden an offer to not to seek a second term—an offer he simply could not refuse.  These power brokers knew things that Biden and his legacy—true or false—could not allow to be revealed.

As time was running out, the Democratic Party decided to make Ms. Harris the Party’s nominee, despite not enjoying one primary win or receiving one primary vote. Harris was anointed the Party’s standard bearer whether she was qualified or not.  The power brokers had a plan for electoral success, one that had worked really well in 2020.

Hiding Biden in his basement, using COVID as an excuse, meant that the average voter never got to hear what his policies were and why he deserved votes. As a result, an old, sick, cognitively impaired man, who, over his fifty-year political career as a Senator and Vice-President, was never thought of as being even remotely intelligent, waltzed into the presidency.  This worked so well; why not try the same thing with Harris and deny the press access to her?    She is, I guess, an attractive woman to many, and if the Democratic Party insiders could just keep her under wraps until the election, she could actually win.  They knew she was dopey and a risk, but as long as Holder, Obama and the like were calling the shots, Bozo the Clown could be the front woman for the Party and the backroom bunch would retain power and enjoy all the financial goodies that go with it.

Initially, there was an outpouring of support for Harris.  After being formally ordained as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, Harris dutifully attended rallies in the company of Tim Walz, the Democrat Governor of Wisconsin, who she chose as her Vice-Presidential running mate and who fit the definition of a Marxist liberal perfectly.  It did not seem to bother the main-stream media that Harris refused to hold a press conference or make her views known on myriad issues of importance to the average voter.  It didn’t seem to bother the mainstream media that her speeches, read from a teleprompter, were identical, rally after rally.  The phoney members of the media were prepared to accept the fact that this silly woman could actually become the leader of the Western World.

After just sitting down for a recorded CNN interview with Walz and Dana Bash, Harris headed for a debate with opponent, Donald Trump, the former President of the United States.  The rules of the debate were the same as demanded by Biden’s handlers when they offered the debate terms to Trump. They were surprised when Trump accepted.

The debate was to be telecast live on ABC but also carried on other networks.  ABC picked David Muir and Linsey Davis as moderators.

(ASIDE:  Before I proceed, a gunman just attempted to shoot Donald Trump as he played golf at one of his Florida golf courses. The potential assassin fled the scene but was quickly apprehended and jailed. This incident is, I believe, a by-product of the irresponsible rhetoric primarily being advanced by anti-Trump media coverage.)

The female moderator, Ms. Davis, looked like she was primed for a fight. Her facial expressions were those of an angry, bitter woman who perceived her job as being to disparage Donald Trump at all costs.  Muir, on the other hand acted like we would expect a raving liberal to act: his bias could not be disguised.

What I found interesting about Muir and Davis was that they seemed oblivious to the career-ending antics of the previous moderators, Candy Crowley and Chris Wallace. Instead of being neutral, Muir and Davis came across as being anything but. As a result, both have ruined their careers—a very steep price to pay for trying to rig the outcome of what was an important opportunity for the electorate to observe and learn more about the policies of each candidate. In that regard, the twosome failed badly and will wear that shame for the rest of their professional lives.

As I write this, we are approximately fifty days away from the November 5th election day, and the polls indicate a very close election, a state of affairs which really surprises me.  We have the Republican Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States; most observant people can remember what life was like when he was President. The inflation rate barely registered, the unemployment rate for all segments of the economy was at a historic low, there was peace all over the world, the hideous ISIS terrorists were wiped out, Iran was bankrupt, and the historic Abraham Accords were within reach, finally insuring peace in the Middle East. Virtually every one of these major Trump accomplishments has been undone by the Biden administration, contributing to not only a more dangerous world than existed during the Trump administration, but cruel hardships domestically.

Compared to President Trump’s accomplishments, Kamala Harris’s track record as Vice-President is, to say the very least, less than impressive. In fact, it is virtually impossible to identify just one accomplishment during her three- and one-half year tenure in the executive office. By any reasonable measure, it has become apparent the woman is not very bright. She seems incapable of addressing virtually any important issue with substance, in the process, making a fool of herself. It is simply too depressing to imagine this empty vessel being president of virtually anything, never mind the world’s dominant country.

Trying to be objective, I have an awful time understanding how any thinking person can, with a straight face and in good conscience, advance the argument that the United States, and by extension the world, would be better off with a person so void of any observant abilities.

On November 5th, I will be watching the election returns with butterflies in my stomach.  What should be a landslide victory for Donald Trump may very well not be the case.  One should never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter.  As Thomas Jefferson was reported to have said, “Democracy can only function if the electorate are educated and informed.”  Do the members of the so-called focus groups dragged out by the mainstream media, give you the feeling that the electorate are educated and informed?  I didn’t think so. If Americans are not hell-bent on destroying their country, they must send a clear message and return Ms. Harris and her party to the trash heap of political history.