The Generational Divide

The Generational Divide

Those born in the first two decades of the twentieth century were members of North America’s greatest generation.  Arguing against that statement is hard, bordering on the impossible.  These folks defeated the evil warmongers in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, and...
My Attempt to Define “Woke”

My Attempt to Define “Woke”

The other day my wife Brenda asked me what the word “woke” meant.  She had, like the rest of us, heard the word used too often in both print and electronic media, especially when mainstream media is being criticized for doing their best to justify what to most...
Health Care in Crisis: Why?

Health Care in Crisis: Why?

With a severe shortage of medical staff and long dangerous waits for hospital services—including life-saving operations and emergency care—our Canadian medical system is in turmoil. We are told that there is a chronic shortage of doctors.  That nurses are overworked...
The State of the Union Is in Grave Danger

The State of the Union Is in Grave Danger

Two weeks ago, I watched some of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.  I only watched part of it because I was switching between his address and the Flames/Minnesota hockey game, which was much more interesting than watching someone try to read off a teleprompter...
Being Politically Incorrect: Am I too old to be flogged?

Being Politically Incorrect: Am I too old to be flogged?

I do not relate to six-foot, five-to-seven-inch-tall young men putting a round ball through a hoop and getting paid tremendous amounts of money for doing so. Given their God-endowed height, dunking a basketball is not that big an accomplishment and certainly not worth...