For as long as I can remember, I have been troubled by the very existence of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (the CBC). With the exception of Hockey Night in Canada, there was nothing in their programming schedule that had any appeal to me. “B” AND...
According to what the media tells us, the majority of scientists—presumably those with expertise in the climate change area of study—are of the unalterable view that humans, through their dependence on fossil fuel, and the resulting CO2 pollution, are causing the...
I just read in the paper that Scott Brison, that mealy mouthed, Liberal government hack and Canadian Treasury Board President, was named the Vice-Chairman of the Bank of Montreal after recently resigning from Prime Minister Sunny Ways’ cabinet. This appointment had...
I may be too harsh in what I am about to observe, but it is my observation in any event. I cannot help but notice predominantly young females using the words “you know” and “like” to the point that if you forced them to delete these words from their already limited...
Last week there were a series of protests by members of the Canadian Aboriginal community over matter or another related to oil and gas. This vocal group—if you can believe what they are saying—are adamantly opposed to oil or gas pipelines of any shape or form. These...