

Normally I wouldn’t give a second thought to someone painting their face black in an effort to make their costume more realistic. However, in this era of supercharged political correctness, we are not allowed to name sports teams after Indians just in case some of...

Lucy Revisited

Lucy Revisited

My wee buddy, Lucy the dog, turned 14 years old in early July, 2019.  She had her cataract removal operation in April, and although the operation was not a total success and she endured a lengthy recuperation period, Dr. Brian Skorobohach and his group at VCA Canada...

The New Calgary Arena Boondoggle

The New Calgary Arena Boondoggle

In all likelihood, this blog will be relevant only to people living in southern Alberta but, I suspect there are parallels which will apply to other Canadian cities where the local ”elites” rule the roost. Recently, Calgary’s city councillors, behind an 11 to 4 vote,...



I have decided to make some predictions concerning the upcoming federal election, the 2020 US elections, government regulation of corporations that abuse their authority, and global health.  They are as follows: October 2019 Federal Election in Canada and its...

Goodbye Canada. We’ve Taken Enough Abuse.

Goodbye Canada. We’ve Taken Enough Abuse.

If a referendum were held tomorrow, I am absolutely convinced that the majority of voters in Alberta and Saskatchewan would vote to separate from Canada.  And who could blame them? You will notice that I did not mention Manitoba or British Columbia. ...

Political Polls: What a Joke!

Political Polls: What a Joke!

Thomas Jefferson opined that democracy would only work if the electorate were educated and informed.  Based on poll results in both Canada and the United States, democracy in both countries simply does not work. Everyone is quick to give their opinion, but few...

Our Sheep-like Responses to Government Policies

Our Sheep-like Responses to Government Policies

I live in Calgary, Alberta, a city which I suspect is similar to other Canadian cities in that our civic affairs are governed by City Aldermen or Alderwomen, or for the politically correct, just plain Councillors.  Where these people come from is a mystery to me,...

Finally, the Total Vindication of a Canadian Icon

Finally, the Total Vindication of a Canadian Icon

Last week was for me, and for Conrad Black especially, a very good week. I have followed Lord Black’s travails over the years closely. I read everything I could get my hands on concerning his prosecution by both judicial and quasi judicial bodies in both Canada and...