Being Politically Incorrect: Am I too old to be flogged?

Being Politically Incorrect: Am I too old to be flogged?

I do not relate to six-foot, five-to-seven-inch-tall young men putting a round ball through a hoop and getting paid tremendous amounts of money for doing so. Given their God-endowed height, dunking a basketball is not that big an accomplishment and certainly not worth...
Mob Justice in a Sick, Woke, Declining Society

Mob Justice in a Sick, Woke, Declining Society

Unlike most people, I actually watched the Derek Chauvin trial.  I practiced law for 35 years, and although I did not act for clients charged with committing criminal offences (except early in my career), I believe my education and background give me more insight into...
China and the World Order: Get prepared for war!

China and the World Order: Get prepared for war!

As most people know, China is a totalitarian dictatorship, well along in the process of setting the stage militarily and economically to dominate the world’s commerce and political structure. With a population of approximately 1.4 billion people, a number our Western...
Unfair Political Abuse and Ultimate Redemption

Unfair Political Abuse and Ultimate Redemption

Recently, I watched the Democrat members of the House of Representatives in the United States unanimously vote to impeach President Trump, just days before his presidential term was to expire.  As I observed members, one after the other, rise to their feet and parrot...
Enough Already!

Enough Already!

Some folks who enjoy reading my blogs have asked me if there were more in progress.  Well, the answer was “no,” but I must admit that there are many things deserving of critical analysis and what follows is my take on the present unhappy, depressing, economically...